Saturday, June 28, 2008

Busan Assassin & Spy Vs. Spy THANK YOU

Just wanted to say: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for coming to Spy Vs. Spy - we raised over 1.4 million won from the party for Sung Ae Won!

HaeJin won the raffle grand prize - a night at the Westin Chosun - so congratulations to her!

Hopefully no new orphans will result from the highly successful date auction :-)

Thanks to everyone that participated in the auction - you all did fantastic and raised a lot of money with your sexy selves, thanks to all the people that bought piles of raffle tickets, and thanks to everyone behind the scenes: Anderson, Blaise, Liz, Nayoung, Rachel, and of course KEVIN for putting the whole Busan Assassin event together!

The Busan Assassin event also ended well, with a rainy shootout in Seomyeon and a tie for first place! More details on all the official winners will appear shortly. Thanks to everyone that played, your schools are probably happy that the game's over - no more water guns in the work place!

Be on the lookout for Foreign FUN(d)Raisers next wild event, when we've finally recovered from this one!

Hope everyone had a memorable night,


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Busan Assassin

Here's the Press Release for Busan Assassin:
For further explanation, we encourage you to watch our informational video:

Foreigners "Kill" For Charity

At the end of June, the Busan streets will be filled with crazed foreigners, set on vengeance at all costs. Secretive assassins will roam the city, searching for their next hit without remorse. Fortunately, it won't be blood that will be spilt, but water!To raise money for a local orphanage, the Sung Ae Won Home for Children, a unique event has been organized. "Busan Assassin" will run from June 18 to June 28, culminating in an awards show/party/final fundraiser event at Club Fabric, located in Kyungsung.

The object of the game is simple, kill or be killed, using water pistols as the primary weapon. Each participant will be given the name of their single target, as well as information regarding their whereabouts. They will then have to track them down, and slay them using their water pistol. Once accomplished they'll inherit their initial target's would-be victim, and the game continues until a final champion emerges. There will also be a "police force" to regulate the game rules, as well as to pursue slothful assassins. Workplaces (given that most participants will be English teachers) are off limits, and restaurants and bars will be as well, to protect the innocent!

Busan Assassin" is the second in a series of events aimed to raise funds for the orphanage, while also involving foreigners more directly in the Korean life that all-to-often only exists around them. The first event, "Busan Beer Olympics," was held Saturday, April 5, and raised almost 900,000 won from entry fees, donations, and commemorative t-shirt sales. The second aims to be bigger and better, not only in terms of entertainment (hopefully for spectators as well as participants), but also in regards to the money collected for the orphanage.

For more information, to become a participant, or to make a donation, please contact, or Kevin Manley at 010-3590-3009.


Links on Facebook:

Busan Assassin event:
Spy Vs. Spy party:

More information to come very, very soon!

Foreign Fun(d)Raisers

This is the homepage of a foreigners charity organization located in Busan, South Korea. We are primarily focused on fundraising for the Sung Ae Won Home for Children (, a local orphanage.
Our first event, Busan Beer Olympics, was held on April 5, 2008, at Neo Starface in Haeundae. We raised almost 900,000 won ($900) through team participation fees, t-shirt sales, and general donations. Our second event, Busan Assassin, will take place from June 18-28, 2008, culminating in an awards show/party/final fundraiser event at Club Fabric in Kyungsung on June 28.